DB Super will end soon - Confirmed

Yes, I know this is one of those news you don't ever want to read. We had been waiting for Dragon Ball anime return for so long, and it seems that Dragon Ball Super will be very short lasting. But hey, at least we have been getting some good fights, for instance Goku vs Jiren. 

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I would've bet that DB Super was going to last at least some more years. We still don't know allmost anything about Gods, and we now even less about angels and Zeno-sama. Some people where already working out some theories about their counter-part: Demons. But according to DB Super's director: Kimitoshi Chioka, this will never get to happen.

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No, this is not a joke, DB Super has been confirmed to be probably ending very soon. Yesterday, in Barcelona, Kimitoshi Chioka has met with some Spanish guys for an interview in ''El Salón del Manga''. He has said to them that Dragon Ball Super could end in March, after finishing the universal tournament arc. 

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If you want to watch the full interview with Kimitoshi Chioka (And if you speak Spanish or Japanese) you can watch it here: 



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